Monday, June 27, 2011

Daily Shoot #589

[caption id="attachment_172" align="aligncenter" width="225" caption="6/24/2011.589"]


6/24/2011. #589

6/24/2011. #589

Make a photograph with around the number three today. Three objects. Three colors. The number three.


  1. I love the last photo. It looks both posed and authentic at the same time. It's odd how the shadows appear to be bright sky blue. Did you manipulate the image or is that some strange camera fluke?

  2. Cheryl are you talking about the picture with the 3 x? I don't see any shadows..

  3. You're right, they aren't shadows, they are blue Xs on the sidewalk. Forgive my old eyes, sometimes the progressive lenses aren't as helpful as they are supposed to be! HA!
